Legal Stuff
Legal Disclaimer
​ and all other content shared on this blog and social media platforms are written and managed by me, Elizabeth Bennett, more lovingly known as Emmy. Please be aware that all thoughts and opinions are my own, based on my experience as a mother. I have no licenses or badges that make me any sort of expert.
While the information in the articles and content is carefully researched and checked for accuracy, the author makes no warranty regarding the content of this website and will not be liable for any loss, damage, or injury arising from the use of any information on the site.
It is not the business of the author to render professional opinions or medical advice. Elizabeth Bennett is not a medical professional and the advice on this site should not be taken as such. Readers should always seek professional medical advice from their pediatrician, OB/GYN, or midwife.
Affiliate Marketing Disclosure
Some posts on this website may contain affiliate links for which I receive a small commission at no cost to you. I only promote products and services that I have used myself and that I recommend in order to make life as a wife, woman, or mother easier.